The Diva Blog

Ashtami - KnowledgeThere is a famous saying in Sanskrit, ‘वयाधनं सवध नं धानम’्. Both in the East and West, knowledge is highly valued. In the Graeco-Roman culture, the philosophers were given utmost respect. In ancient times throughout the world, philosophers studied everything: physics, astronomy, natural sciences, political science, history, medicine and not to forget, the big philosophical questions.Knowledge traditions have never gone extinct. Countries and kingdoms have risen and fallen. Economies have flourished and crashed. Wars have been fought and peace has been brokered. Religions have been practiced and religions have been forgotten. Art has been created and art has...

Sapthami - WealthWealth is a universally consented illusion. Yet, it has become an inseparable part of our life. Wealth in ancient times had a wider connotation than it has today. Cattle, grain, certain skills, land, trees all these were considered as wealth as equally as currency. Yes, all these are considered as wealth even today. But, they are no longer are as important as currency.When we take the wider meaning of wealth into account, it keeps a person well fed, well clothed and well sheltered in a society. Cattle provide with milk and fuel. Land can be cultivated to grow...
Usha Rātri

Shashti - Dawn and NightBoth philosophers and scientists agree on many things. One of them is that the universe is a play of time and space. Both do not exist in reality. They are, to put in mathematical terms, determining line segments in an endless line.Like the dots which mark the lines on a line segment, changes mark time and space. In time, those dots are day and night, moon cycles, years and other natural astronomical and terrestrial occurrences. Among all of them, dawn and nightfall are experienced the most regularly. Not only do humans sense the passing of time...


Chaturthi - Forests Most of us forget quite often that we too are animals. For some absurd reason, we always wanted to distance ourselves from the other animals. But when remember our origins, the call of the forests become very strong. Though we, humans, do not live in the forest, it still provides and protects trillions of beings. From the majestic elephant to the small velvet worm, all live in a cycle of interdependence. Mothers never stop loving their children. Even if the child leaves the mother, the mother will continue to provide and protect the child. Similarly, the forests...